The last word: He said he was leaving. She ignored him.

8 Nov

When Laura Munson’s husband asked for a divorce, she ducked instead of fighting. He needed to learn, she says, that his unhappiness wasn’t really about her.

Different phases in life have their own unique challenges. The transition is usually the toughest, akin to a “cold turkey” reaction. When we lose what used to define us to face a new and unfamiliar lifestyle, we get confused, fustrated and start looking for reasons, answers, anything logical to explain the change. Perhaps we should embrace the changes and let time work it’s wonders as we assimilate into our next phase, a better phase.

Read how Laura managed her husband’s “cold turkey” reaction as he transits to a different phase in his life. We all can learn a thing or two from both her and her husband in this story:

The last word: He said he was leaving. She ignored him.

Retirement is also a phase in life most need time to cope and accustom to. Read what one retiree shared about about his retirement lifestyle and how better to enjoy your golden years – So you want to retire.

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