How to raise financially smart children

13 Dec

As college tuition and student loan debt continue to soar and job growth for graduates looks sluggish in many fields, the guidance parents give their kids matters more than ever.

Your child’s right money habits, like many other things, also begins at home.

Parental example overall has “a significant influence on respondents’ money-management skills as adults”

With increasing affluence, parents’ tend to pamper their children more than ever. Somewhere down the line, money will seem to grow on trees to them. Teach your kids about money.

It starts with the ABCs:

A is for allowance, where a child earns a certain amount for doing a job.

B is for balance, where you tell kids that you don’t want to spend all of your money right away because there are things you want to save for.

C is for charity or contributions to causes the family cares about.

Get more tips on how to inculcate good money habits and attitudes to your child in this Reuters article.

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