Tag Archives: Debt


15 Dec

There are few advertisements that illustrates the lost of a loved one in such a beautiful story. This is one that I love and touched me greatly, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The Latest Doomsayers on Europe’s Debt Crisis

1 Dec

“This may very well spread” — Moody’s

“This is the beginning of the end for the Euro Zone” — Bloomberg

“European officials aren’t acting quickly enough” — OECD

“European leaders have only days to act” — Financial Times

“This is what will happen if Europe doesn’t act” — Business Insider

Here’s a summary of what these doomsayer financial experts are saying about the EURO debt crisis.

US and World Debt Clock

4 Aug

Here’s an interesting website that monitors US and World debt in real-time. Attached below is a screenshot:

US and World Debt

U.S. Debt Ceiling – A Handy Chart and Top Myths

22 Jul

While the US Congress and White House are still struggling to reach a debt deal, many are still trying to understand what is “Debt Ceiling”. Here is an infographic from the folks at mint.com explaining the debt ceiling and the consequences of not raising it.

Mint.com - Raise The Roof

And while they are working hard trying to shape the message and public opinion, there may be some messages that are less than 100% accurate. Clarify these messages at Top Myths on the US Debt-Ceiling Crisis from the Financial Post.