Tag Archives: IM$avvy

IM$avvy – Why I worry about retirement

15 Nov

Many close friends who read my blog often label me as a salty man. This has a negative connotation because in Hokkien context, it is “kiam” or scrooge in western terms. However, when I explained my rationale to them, suddenly they realise they either be prepared to work past 55 or be better off being more salty.

In today’s competitive workplace, there are not many people who are willing to work past 55 years old, even if they are ABLE to. Perhaps it is due to the increased pace of life and work pressure, many people just find it too stressful to cope mentally and physically beyond 55 years old.

The problem is exacerbated when the same group has ailing parents, growing kids and mortgages to repay monthly.

Life becomes much more stressful, simply because they need to work or they die (from debts and poverty).

In a nutshell, most people don’t retire at 55 simply because they cannot afford to do so, not because they choose not to.