Tag Archives: Managed Futures

Man Group Sells AHL Fund to Retail Investors

8 Nov

MAS approved the sales of Man AHL Trend, the first managed futures fund offered to retail investors, giving them a new asset class to complement a traditional portfolio mix of equities and bonds. In the fund prospectus, the investment objective is to

achieve medium-term capital growth targeting double digit annualised returns for a target annualised volatility of around 15% over the medium term.

And this is achieve by entering

into one or more financial derivative instrument(s) in the form of swaps which allow variable exposure of the Subfund to a financial index, the AHL Trend Index™ and may also (as an alternative to or in combination with the above) invest all or part of the net proceeds of the issue of Shares in transferable securities issued by (i) financial institutions or corporates, (ii) sovereign states that are OECD Member.

AHL is a world leading quantitative investment manager with an impressive 22-year track record of performance and innovation. AHL was established in 1987, has offices in London, Oxford and Hong Kong and is part of Man Group plc., a global alternative investment business listed in FTSE 100 Index of the largest UK companies.

AHL primarily adopts a systematic, ‘trend-following’ approach to investing, meaning that it seeks to identify and profit from both upwards and downwards movements in prices. To do this, AHL analyses more than 4,000 prices every day in over 200 international markets. The trading system developed makes investments around-the-clock, using sophisticated electronic trading algorithms.

Find out more of the performance and expertise of AHL Diversified Program, a fund with a similar underlying investment strategy to Man AHL Trend, here.