Tag Archives: real life story

So You Want To Retire

24 Sep

Have you wondered how your retirement years will be spent? What are the things that will occupy you when you take your well-deserved break to enjoy your golden years?

Attached is a letter published recently in TODAY – So You Want to Retire – TODAYonline. The writer, who is retired, writes about the pre-conditions for retirement,

a. Your children do not have to depend on you financially,

b. You have zero liabilities,

c. You have enough savings to support your lifestyle,

d. You know what you will be doing during retirement.

He shares an interesting perspective on how one can one can stay active and have a fulfilling retirement.

“If you can afford to retire and want to do so, start preparing now to live your sunset years to their fullest.”

I hope you enjoy the read and have a great F1 weekend!